Scripture Motto

"Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." Matthew 5:16

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Q is for Queens

Women of the Bible from A to Z series

“Pharaoh grew very fond of Hadad, and he gave him his wife’s sister in marriage—the sister of Queen Tahpenes. She bore him a son named Genubath. Tahpenes raised him in Pharaoh’s palace among Pharaoh’s own sons.” 1 Kings 11:19-20 nlt

Another “no women of the Bible names begin with this letter” piece, so, lets talk about queens in the Bible. There are three woman called by the name of queen—Sheba, Tahpenes, and Candace.

I featured Ethiopian Queen Candace for the letter “C;” so she’s covered.

The Queen of Sheba came from her kingdom in southern Arabia to Jerusalem to test the King Solomon’s wisdom. But I don’t want to talk about her. [If you want to read about her, go to 1 Kings 10 or 2 Chronicles 9]

I want to focus on Queen Tahpenes, an Egyptian Pharaoh’s wife, mentioned in 1 Kings 11:19-20. The Hebrew word used to denote queen here is a title of honor as the king’s wife, not as having any power or authority.

Tahpenes means flight temptation, which congers up someone who runs away from difficulties; however we read how she accepted a great responsibility. This queen stepped up to the challenge. She opened her heart and her palace home to raise her sister’s son along with the Pharaoh’s other children. She didn’t run and hide.

I know many women who have opened their hearts and homes to accept children of other women.

One woman along with her husband and two young children resigned from lucrative careers, sold their comfortable house, and accepted the full-time call to serve the Lord at Cookson Hills Christian Ministry.

Several others, including my in-laws, became foster parents. Some of those have adopted these children entrusted to their care. It is an emotional calling as some children fit into the family perfectly, while some fight the love and care of the foster home.

And then there’s Melissa who flung open the doors of her heart and home to welcome the baby of her husband’s unwed teenage sister. This is couple already had four young children of their own. This could bring about interesting events in the future, so I pray for them all.

Today, I applaud Queen Tahpenes and those who have unlocked the doors of their hearts and home to another’s children.

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  1. Taking on children other than your own is a noble sacrifice. I couldn't do it in my current circumstances, but I can see how doing something like this would have great rewards for the foster parent as well as the child.

    Interesting take on a Bible character I don't recall reading about before.

    Places I Remember
    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

    1. Thanks, Lee. Not all of are called to such a noble life, but I pray for those who do. As for my choice of Biblical women, I've been trying to select the lesser know ones...I didn't know her either until this challenge. :)

  2. Such mommies have been on my heart and in my prayer a lot today, and here you are writing a post about it! Blessings!

  3. God fills these women (and their families) with that special kind of love...and our prayers strengthen and encourage them to press through the tough days.

  4. I didn't know about Queen Tahpenes so learned something new today--and found a great blog on the A to Z Challenge. Just signed up to receive your updates. My Christian blogs are at and

    I've found so many neat Christian blogs through the challenge!

    1. Well thanks, Shelly for popping into my little site, and for adding me to the blogs you follow. I'm humbled. I see by your website you're from my part of the world. God bless.


Thank you for your thoughts and comments...God bless you