Scripture Motto

"Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." Matthew 5:16

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Encourage Another

“The scriptures—Old & New Testament—are for our instruction and encouragement, that by our steadfastness and encouragement, we might hold fast to and cherish Hope. God gives us perseverance and encouragement for unity on this journey of following Christ, empowering us with patient enduring steadfastness—So that with one voice we glorify and praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ [Messiah]” Romans 15:4-6 (my paraphrase)

I love that God, the Creator of all things, did not intend for us to walk this journey alone. God first gives us instruction through His written word, and then gives us fellow sojourners to walk with, to grow with, to cheer one another on, and to hold one another up.

Sometimes it feels like we’re alone. Sometimes we don’t think there’s anyone who understands us or our circumstances.

The move of the past year for me has at times felt this way. Alone in a new city without my support system. Alone in a new neighborhood without a friend. Without encouragement, discouragement filled the void. Fears, anxieties, and depression then, joined my self-pity party. Everything about my  life felt like drudgery.

But God was with me. I reached for His word. I prayed. He answered with a single word: "steadfastness." I sought the definition of this one word and then searched the scriptures for a deeper understanding of why God gave it to me.

The search encouraged me. His word strengthened me. Still, I was lonely without human companionship. Yet, I had renewed Hope.

I encourage you to look around at people you know. Do appear to be lonely? Do you know if they have a support group—family, friends, a church home? And even if they don’t appear lonely or depressed, encourage them.

Encouragement can come in the simplest ways. A phone call. A heartfelt card. A plate of cookies. An invitation to lunch, coffee, your Bible study group. 

And if they’re anything like me, speak a “word of God” to them. 

Even if they don’t appear lonely or depressed, encourage them.

Please…Encourage “Another”

Further reading: Psalm 69:20; Ecclesiastes 4:8-9; Galatians 6:2; Hebrews 10:23-25

"I am Safe" sung by Natalie Grant

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