Scripture Motto

"Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." Matthew 5:16

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

In Like a Lion...running like a Cheetah

March came in like a lion and I'm running like a cheetah...hoping it will slow down like a lamb.

With only 11 days come and gone, I've been busy, busy, busy... traveling 1900 miles to/from writers' conferences, market researching for a devotional book, keeping up on household chores & grocery shopping, plus losing an hour of sleep for the time change...and it just dawned on me that I didn't blog this week. And today, I started doing our tax returns, which I'd planned to hire done this year but I've done them for too many years to let go.

I have some updates about the conference, moving plans, and excitement concerning the devotional book research...but it's all going to have to wait a few more days.

Until then, I'm praying for spring to come to you quickly...the flowers bloom profusely...the birds whistle a happy tune...and God showers you with blessings beyond your wildest imagination.

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