Scripture Motto

"Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." Matthew 5:16

Monday, January 18, 2016

There was a man…blameless, upright, turning away from evil

 There was a Man of Integrity... the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards; the state of being complete or undivided; being sound or undamaged; righteous, honorable, truthful, blameless, graceful, upright, disciplined, faithful, holy

When life throws you into despair, how do you react? Do you “Walk the walk,” “hold fast to integrity,” and “act as the same person when people are looking as when they are not”?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What If…Would You Be Prepared?

I drove about the city running errands, my mind couldn't let go of the recent world terror events. The question: What  if someone pointed a weapon at me and said, "Deny Jesus and give allegiance to '_____.’?” How would I react? What would I do?

"Then David left his baggage
in the care of the baggage keeper,
and ran to the battle line…"
 1 Samuel 17:22 nasb

Recently, I’d heard Dr. Ben Carson say in regards to the Oregon college shooting, that he would do much like young David did… he’d “run to the battle line.” Would I? Would that be the best option for me in such a situation?

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Courage Is the Mortar for 2016

 “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear,
but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love
and of sound judgment and personal discipline
[abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].
1 Timothy 1:7 (amp)

 For the last couple of years, anxiety became a frequent companion of my life. Fear, worry, apprehension, unease, fretfulness… Nevertheless, my anchor of hope, Jesus Christ, has sustained me, has kept my feet on His steadfast path. His peace, which surpasses all comprehension, guarded my heart and mind from falling fully into the pit of depression and despair. He held me steady and kept me from drifting into danger so that I could heal and recover, be mended and restored from my season of grief.

[Grief from the losses of my brother & bro-in-law, the loss of my dream home, the loss of comfortable familiarity, the loss of what I thought was my new dream home]

Yes, 2015 was a year of healing my grief-stricken heart & mind. It was a year of resting in the everlasting arms of the Lord. It was a time of rebuilding my confidence and refreshing His power and strength to my weary soul.

How did I or He do that?