Scripture Motto

"Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." Matthew 5:16

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Courage Is the Mortar for 2016

 “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear,
but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love
and of sound judgment and personal discipline
[abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].
1 Timothy 1:7 (amp)

 For the last couple of years, anxiety became a frequent companion of my life. Fear, worry, apprehension, unease, fretfulness… Nevertheless, my anchor of hope, Jesus Christ, has sustained me, has kept my feet on His steadfast path. His peace, which surpasses all comprehension, guarded my heart and mind from falling fully into the pit of depression and despair. He held me steady and kept me from drifting into danger so that I could heal and recover, be mended and restored from my season of grief.

[Grief from the losses of my brother & bro-in-law, the loss of my dream home, the loss of comfortable familiarity, the loss of what I thought was my new dream home]

Yes, 2015 was a year of healing my grief-stricken heart & mind. It was a year of resting in the everlasting arms of the Lord. It was a time of rebuilding my confidence and refreshing His power and strength to my weary soul.

How did I or He do that?

I stayed true to my conviction to “Seek ye first…” (Matthew 6:33) every morning with prayer and Bible study. He stayed true to His commitment to meet with me there. Some morning my prayers were more about venting my anxieties then worship or seeking His will, but He was faithful to hear them. He let me whine and complain, and then led me beside “still waters.” (Psalm 23)

I held tight to the secret of restoring hope and peace… by holding tight to the One and only who can give me “peace” through the storms. (Isaiah 26:3-4; 57:19; John 14:27; Mark 4:36-41)

I let my trials and tribulations do their perfect work in me… to test my faith, to grow my character, and to produce endurance, patience, and my hope. (James 1:2-3; Romans 5:3-5)

And I gave myself permission to heal and recover from the griefs.

As 2015 went by, I found myself focusing more on God’s purpose for me again and less on my problems. His strength and power increased in me. Before I knew it, I felt renewed and equipped to begin again… to step back on the trail and press onward toward the upward call He has on me.

So I enter 2016 holding tight to courage. I want to live courageously, victoriously, and confident in the One who saved me.

Gleaned through my 2015 studies:

Courage is the mortar… the cement of our convictions

Convictions are my firmly held beliefs”

Success means having the courage,
the determination, and the will
to become the person I believe
(my conviction)
I’m meant to be
(called, designed, and created
in God’s bent for my life)”
(my personalization of George Sheehan's quote)

What are you seeking in 2016? 
What are your New Year's resolutions,
goals or desires? 

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