Cookies, Cards, Caroling
Snow, sleigh rides, sledding
Santa Claus
Lights, Ornaments, Tinsel
Stockings hung, Gifts under the tree
Get-togethers, Banquets, Dinners
Candlelight worship services
The star, Shepherds, Three kings,
A man, a woman, a stable
The Baby in a manager
HE, Jesus Christ, is the reason Christians celebrate this
joyous season... and it is a season. It's more than a day. Churches rehearse
sometimes for months for Cantatas, musicals, and candlelight services. We put
trees in our homes as soon as the turkey carcass is in the trash. Wreaths hang on
our doors, and candles in the windows. Children anticipate—touch, shake, look
for a torn corner of paper—unwrapping the gifts in pretty paper with shiny
bows. And it’s all to celebrate the birth of our Savior in a manager a little
more than 2000 years ago.
However, this season also comes with conflict...

Along with the Gift of Salvation born in manager, Jesus
brought the message of Peace. Yet for many, Christmas doesn’t bring Peace;
rather, it brings stress and anxiety.
Family disputes
Painful memories
How can the season where most celebrate the Prince of Peace, the One
who said, “My peace I bring you…” also bring pain?

When my focus of Christmas rests upon my feelings, my
memories, or my situations, I miss the peace only He can truly bring. I miss
the gift of Grace. I miss Him—the promised Messiah, Savior, Defender,
Liberator, Champion of champions (not on any Wheaties box). I miss His Love.
So, I pray for those who would rather Christmas slipped away
quietly and that all of the hoop-a-la would stop blasting in their ears. I pray,
instead, for the Prince of Peace to nestle into their hearts to heal their
pain, chase away bad memories, and quench the anxieties the season brings them. I pray for you to find Hope in the One sent to save the world from sin.
"She will give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus,
because he will save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21
The angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I am bringing you good news that will be a great joy to all the people. Today your Savior was born in the town of David. He is Christ, the Lord."
Luke 2:10-11
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