The Christmas tree is undressed and ready to be packed away along with 2011. Now on to those 2012 New Year’s Resolutions
…or in my case, pull out last year’s list.
First thing on my uncompleted 2011 writing goals was: Work on website, blog, and Facebook. Well, I’m happy to say I hit the ground running—by accident, but nonetheless, I’m running with God’s blessing.
I say “with God’s blessing” because the technical ability to do what I’ve accomplished came from a confidence and knowledge which is not my own. Yes, I had some help from my oldest “techy” son as well as my computer guru husband, but for the most part God led me to do it myself.
…or in my case, pull out last year’s list.
First thing on my uncompleted 2011 writing goals was: Work on website, blog, and Facebook. Well, I’m happy to say I hit the ground running—by accident, but nonetheless, I’m running with God’s blessing.
I say “with God’s blessing” because the technical ability to do what I’ve accomplished came from a confidence and knowledge which is not my own. Yes, I had some help from my oldest “techy” son as well as my computer guru husband, but for the most part God led me to do it myself.
My old website has moved. Actually, I combined the BlogSpot with my website. (I hope you’ll add and/or to your internet favorites.) There are a few kinks to work out, but hopefully those will be smoothed out soon.
Old posts are listed in two ways: “More Livin’ Out Loud Posts” and by “Labels.” I have the option of putting the “Labels” in a topic list format or a cloud—where the subjects are in more of a paragraph form.
Home page devotional posts will be new every Monday. I plan to update the What’s Up page quarterly and will let you know on the home page.
Old posts are listed in two ways: “More Livin’ Out Loud Posts” and by “Labels.” I have the option of putting the “Labels” in a topic list format or a cloud—where the subjects are in more of a paragraph form.
Home page devotional posts will be new every Monday. I plan to update the What’s Up page quarterly and will let you know on the home page.
And a
new Merrie Hansen, Christian Writer Facebook fan page is setup…when I figure
out how to add a LIKE button to this site, I hope you’ll LIKE it!

All in all, I’m ready to get to work for the Lord in 2012. I’m certain there will be obstacles to overcome, doubts to drive back, and crashes to correct along the way. But I will not be alone as My God will be blazing the trail ahead, walking beside me with words of encouragement, and guarding my back as I press toward the top of the mountain.
Now matter what your resolutions or plans for 2012, if you trust God to go with you, you’ll make it. So, lace those boots, pick up your pack, and grab some trekking poles…there’s work to be done for the Lord. Let's go!
“Don’t be frightened by the size of the task. Be strong and courageous and get to work, for the Lord my God is with you. He will not forsake you. He will see to it that everything is finished correctly.” Timothy Botts’ interpretation of 1 Chronicles 28:20
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