Scripture Motto

"Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." Matthew 5:16

Thursday, April 29, 2010

DAY 119 - What’s Up?

It took me two months to update the “What’s Up” page of my writer’s website, because of the struggle of winter depression, but as my motto declares, I want to be open about my struggles as well as my victories in "livin’ my life out loud for Jesus."

I feel bad for falling short of my goals for 2010 in my life, in writing, and in getting ready to return to the Appalachian Trail. With leaves popping out everywhere, lilacs in bloom, and my allergies high, I feel certain that spring is definitely here! I am walking more often, eating better, writing again, and putting myself back into society.

Last week, I walked or hiked 4 of 7 days, for 14½ miles over 11 hours. I carried my backpack with about 10 lbs for 8 of those miles (4½ hours). I also spent about 40 minutes one morning getting some resistance training with the treadmill, hand-weights, balance ball, and stretch tubes (or whatever they’re called). It has felt amazing. I have also been eating wiser and healthier. I have about 16 weeks to get in shape for our 60-mile trek.

As for writing, I’ve mainly been focused on getting my weekly devotionals written for the website; but began reading a very inspiring book this week called “The Traveler’s Gift” by Andy Andrews. I originally picked it up at the library for research on writing short stories, but am enthralled by the context and lessons on “seven decisions that determine personal success.” (I highly recommend this book.)

I mentioned being back in society because the winter pulled me away from interacting with people. Yes, I continued to attend two different Bible studies, one with a group of women and the other a mixed group of men, women, married, divorced, and widowed, but I was not fully engaged until a couple of weeks ago. I went because I knew I needed to be with people, but dreaded the travel to and from. The women’s group stopped meeting just before Easter, while the mixed one was just getting started. The transition was odd for me,;however, I’m enjoying being in a group with my husband after many, many years.

I praise God for sustaining me through the dark, cold, dreary winter and for His Faithfulness in the return of spring sunshine and warmth. Onward I go with my face to the Son, the King of kings, and Lord of lords. Philippians 3:13-14 & Hebrews 12:2

God bless you all.

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